All businesses, All options...
For years the payment options for mobile merchants were limited to either cash or check. Today, wireless credit card machines have given mobile merchants access to the same credit card authorization networks as retail businesses.
Working with our partners at Payments Gallery, DSTech Solutions can provide fully integrated point-of-sale (POS) systems along with your IT service plan. We handle all related vendors and technologies so you have the time to focus on your business, and we can make sure the entire system is compatible and has maximum functionality, ease of use, and more.
If you are conducting business face to face, accepting credit cards is a necessity, whether you have a store, restaurant or kiosk. If you have an internet store or own a retail website, you need online credit card processing. If you run a mail order business and/or take credit card payments over the telephone, we can help.
Coordinating partners, hardware, and software into one easy system
- Credit Card Processing services
- Retail/Storefront Sales
- Internet Sales
- Mail Order/Telephone (MOTO) Transactions
- Wireless Payments
- Value-Added Programs for your Customers
- Credit Card Software
- Hardware (Pads, portable units, registers, etc)